Oversized t-shirt as a comfortable and stylish style

Oversized t-shirt as a comfortable and stylish style

Oversize clothing is the fashion of the last period... Of course, the demands and needs of the new age also manifest themselves in the fashion industry. Especially the oversized t-shirt brought along the concepts of sporty and stylish, comfortable and stylish beyond gender identity.

Oversize clothing fashion, which attracts a lot of attention both in the office and in social life, is one of the things that street style offers us. This style showed us that street style clothing elements can be stylish and interesting in any environment. In addition, this style, which is preferred especially by the segment called white-collar while determining their own style in the office environment, has also become the center of attention of the addeline segment or famous names as fashion icons.

Many things that have changed in the flow of our lives with digital media have also changed the way we dress. Now, oversized t-shirts are almost in the forefront of feminine or masculine clothing. The oversized t-shirt has a structure that adapts to every design. We all know how the Y and Z generations have affected the way we work and work. This generation, which has shifted to a more relaxed and creative working style, has also been able to exhibit more creative or bold behaviors by prioritizing their own wants and needs. This, of course, has given us a tangible change in fashion.

Oversized t-shirts have been combined with shorts, as well as with dresses or skirts in classic clothing. In masculine clothing, it found a partner in joggers and started to be worn with narrower pants. Even in invitations, it started to offer a very aesthetic look when combined into jackets.

In some cases, loose fit is also used as an alternative to oversized clothing. For example, loosefit t-shirts consist of slightly narrower patterns than oversized t-shirts. For those who do not prefer long and wide patterns as much as oversize, loosefit was born as an alternative.

It seems that the oversize passion, which is both remarkable and stylish and can accept itself in any environment, will continue in this way for a long time. 

You can check out Slush Jobs' new collection for oversized or loose fit t-shirts.

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